About This Content Night falls on Lustria. As you stand on the dock and peer seawards through the gathering mists, strain your ears. The jungle sounds behind you fade, and in their place comes a wet thudding, as of rotten rigging against a mouldy mast. The sound multiplies, and with it, the groan of a thousand breathless voices, joined in something part-shanty, part-dirge. Dread prows pierce the gloom ahead, and the ghastly truth is laid bare: upon the ghoul-winds come the swollen hulks and decaying vessels of the Vampire Coast! Run now – run hard and fast. For it is all you can do.It was the undying lord Luthor Harkon that laid claim to a stretch of Lustria’s east coast. Ever since, it has been a domain where the dead stir, leading expeditions into the jungle interior or setting sail across the Great Ocean to commit wanton acts of piracy. But the insane Arch-Commodore Harkon is not the only unliving admiral who takes to the seas with pistol-armed crews of zombies, vampiric depth guard, syreens and mournguls… there are other pirate lords who command dreadfleets of their own, packed to the gunwales with crews press-ganged into eternal service. These tyrants ply the seas seeking plunder of blood and gold. However, now that the vortex of Ulthuan weakens, the captains search for more than mere treasure… for the Star-Metal Harpoon lies in the deeps, a weapon powerful enough to bring the greatest Merwyrm of them all to heel!Campaign Pack Contains:4 new Legendary Lords New School of Magic: The Lore of the Deep A suite of all-new campaign mechanicsUnique upgradeable ships for each Legendary LordEight new Regiments of Renown Unique tech tree unlocking four unique Vampire Coast LordsReward your undead Admirals with new Fleet Office Roles befitting their loyaltyNew roster: command towering constructs, ghastly pincered sea-beasts, ghoulish horrors and musket-wielding piratical zombie hordes in battle! Vampire Coast factions are playable in the Eye of the Vortex and Mortal Empires campaigns. They are not involved with the race for the Great Vortex however; they have agendas of their own…New Campaign Features and Mechanics:ObjectivesThe great Merwyrm Amanar has been awoken from its slumber by the vacillations of the Great Vortex. It terrorizes the sea lanes, summoning vast storms and attacking coastal ports on a whim. Only one who wields the Star-Metal Harpoon will tame the beast and become immune to its ravenous hungers. However, the Harpoon must first be found, and invigorated using the three verses of a secret, ancient sea-shanty.Each playable Legendary Lord must grow their dread reputation to become the most Infamous pirate on the seas. Certain opposing Pirate Captains know the three verses of the ancient shanty and, as your Infamy rivals theirs, they will seek you out in attempt to destroy you. If you best each in battle, you’ll learn each of these verses, all three of which are required to magically charge the Star-Metal Harpoon.Only with the fully-powered Star-Metal Harpoon in hand can you embark on the final, fateful battle, bend Amanar to your will, and become the greatest sea-scourge the world has ever seen!InfamyAs your faction wins battles, takes territory and establishes Pirate Coves (see Pirate Coves below), Your Legendary Lord’s Infamy grows amongst the ranks of pirate lords and ladies. This is the route by which you reach ultimate victory in a Vampire Coast campaign (please see Objectives above). Pirate CovesAfter a victorious port-settlement battle, Vampire Coast factions may choose a new post-battle option. Instead of taking, sacking or razing the port, the faction may choose to establish a Pirate Cove in the vicinity. These secret sub-settlements can siphon a steady flow of income from the main settlement, and bring other benefits related to any upgrades the player chooses to build in the Cove. The Cove can only be destroyed if the settlement itself is razed. In addition, a competing Vampire Coast faction which conquers the settlement may commandeer the Cove for itself. Upgradeable Ships and Building TreesLegendary Lords sail in their own unique ships. Details of these ship are accessed via the Lord in the same fashion as Horde Buildings for Horde Factions, and contain many powerful upgrades for the Lord and his army. This does not make them a standard Horde faction however. Vampire Coast lords may also occupy settlement like any other non-horde faction, and may develop it using the unique new Vampire Coast building tree. In short, they benefit from the best features of both Horde factions and Settled factions.Pieces of Eight!Carefully hidden around the world are eight unique golden tokens. Locating each and defeating its powerful guardian army will grant access to the Vampire Coast Regiments of Renown, powerful elite variants of units in the terrifying Vampire Coast roster.Treasure MapsPirates of folklore buried great treasures around the world. As you win battles at land and sea, you may find the treasure maps marking their rough location. Solve the riddles that shroud them, and they can be yours for the taking... Unique RitesVampire Coast factions gain access to four unique new Rites, granting a variety of bonuses. Curse of the Queen’s Cannon, for example, grants access to Queen Bess, a vast, one-off ship’s cannon which fires colossal cannonballs in a high parabolic arc, dealing tremendous area-effect damage and slowing those affected by the shockwave. Another, Curse of the Sea Mist, shrouds all your regions with a clinging maritime miasma, causing attrition to your enemies and granting Vanguard Deployment to your Monster units.New battlefieldsNew Island Maps Broaden Total War: WARHAMMER II’s battlefield environments and, for the first time, players may now attack and defend Dark Elf Black Arks in battle, fighting with their assembled land forces on the lofty slopes of these vast seagoing structures. These new maps will be available to all WARHAMMER II players, regardless of Curse of the Vampire Coast ownership.Legendary LordsDetailed information on the Legendary Lords of the Vampire Coast are available to dive into on the official Total War Academy pages: https://academy.totalwar.com/vampire-coast/Luthor HarkonFor centuries, Arch Grand Commodore Luthor Harkon has ruled a stretch of Lustrian shore known as the Vampire Coast. While assaulting a hidden chamber, powerful glyphs rebounded Harkon’s sorcery, shattering his mind into many warring personalities and severing him from the Winds of Magic. Harkon’s multiple identities now battle for dominance but they have one common goal, to plunder the sacred places of the Lizardmen and use the power of their Slann artefacts to break the curse and heal his damaged mind.Count NoctilusCount Noctilus, once known as Nyklaus von Carstein of Sylvania, was drawn to the maelstrom at the heart of the ocean to feast upon its dark magic. He performed a mighty ritual to transport himself, his castle and all his undead minions there to the Galleon’s Graveyard, a mystical place where wrecks and hulks of the seas are drawn. Reborn as Count Noctilus, he raised the shattered remains of sunken warships to form the hull of the Bloody Reaver and ride the waves of the mortal seas once more.Aranessa SaltspiteQueen of the Tides, Aranessa Saltspite is one of the most respected and feared pirate captains of Sartosa. Some say she is the daughter of the sea god Manann himself and he whispers to her to take control of all the world’s oceans. Now, many a sea-bloated corpse washes up against the Swordfysh’s hull, and so the Vampire first mates breathe unlife into them, creating a vast rabble of loyal crew, ready to serve at Captain Saltspite’s command. As part of the living realm rather than the undead, she commands a human pirate crew known as the Sartosa Free Company, otherwise reluctantly sharing control of the denizens of the Vampire Coast.Cylostra DirefinLegend has it that the sea witch Cylostra Direfin was once the favourite court singer of the Bretonnian king. Sent on a voyage across the ocean to sing for the Phoenix King, they were hit by a fierce storm. The madame’s notes turned to screams of fury as the ship sank, and all onboard drowned. Decades later, a Bretonnian galleon of rotten wood and tattered sails can be seen navigating the seas even in the most savage of storms. It is The Lamprey, the ship of the vengeful spirit Madame Cylostra and her crew, the Drowned.Army RosterLords:Vampire Fleet Admiral with male and female variants.Lore’s of Magic: Death, Deep, Vampires Heroes:Vampire Fleet CaptainLore’s of Magic: Death, Deep, Vampires Gunnery WightMourngul Haunter Core Units:Animated HulkBloated CorpseCarronadeDeath Shriek TerrorgheistDeck DroppersDeck Droppers (Bombers)Deck Droppers (Handguns)Deck GunnersDepth GuardDepth Guard (Polearms)Fell BatsMortarMourngulsNecrofex ColossusRotting Leviathan Rotting PrometheansRotting Prometheans Gunnery MobScurvy DogsSyreensZombie Deckhands MobZombie Deckhands Mob (Polearm)Zombie Gunnery MobZombie Gunnery Mob (Handguns)Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Bombers)Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Hand Cannon)Exclusive Units:Sartosa Free Company (Aranessa: Pirates of Sartosa Only)Sartosa Militia (Aranessa: Pirates of Sartosa Only)Queen Bess (Campaign Rite – One per game)Regiments of RenownGallows Giant (Necrofex Colossus)Night Terrors (Mournguls)Salt Lord Scuttlers (Deck Droppers - Bombers)Shadewraith Gunners (Deck Gunners)The Black Spot (Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob - Handguns)The Bloody Reaver Deck Guard (Depth Guard)The Lamprey's Revenge (Rotting Prometheans Gunnery Mob)The Tide of Skjold (Zombie Deckhands Mob) 7aa9394dea Title: Total War: WARHAMMER II - Curse of the Vampire CoastGenre: Action, StrategyDeveloper:CREATIVE ASSEMBLY, Feral InteractivePublisher:SEGA, Feral InteractiveFranchise:Total War, WarhammerRelease Date: 8 Nov, 2018 Total War: WARHAMMER II - Curse Of The Vampire Coast Portable Edition total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast (2018). total war warhammer ii curse of the vampire coast gameplay. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast gameplay pc. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast language pack. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast gameplay. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast crack fix. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast einheiten. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast puzzle. total war warhammer ii curse of the vampire coast trainer. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast song. total war warhammer ii curse of the vampire coast language. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast patch. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast units. total war warhammer ii curse of the vampire coast language pack. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast tipps. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast lords. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast g2a. total war warhammer 2 - curse of the vampire coast trailer song. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast download. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast fitgirl. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast battle. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast kaufen. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast repack. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast release date. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast fr. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast cd key. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast dlc. total war warhammer ii curse of the vampire coast. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast download. total war warhammer ii curse of the vampire coast-codex language pack. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast treasure map. total war warhammer ii curse of the vampire coast crash. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast deutsch. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast mmoga. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast let's play. total war warhammer ii curse of the vampire coast review. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast spolszczenie. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast. total war warhammer ii curse of the vampire coast crack. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast guide. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast crash fix. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast legendary lords. total war warhammer ii curse of the vampire coast türkçe yama. total war warhammer 2 curse of the vampire coast tips. total war warhammer ii - curse of the vampire coast steam Excellent addition to the main game. Different, actually really good and great to play as.. What would happen if Black Beard meet Ash from evil dead? This THIS IS WHAT WOULD HAPPEN!!! Get your chainsaw an your BOOMSTICK!!!. As I walk through the valley of the shadow of debt, I look around and realize all the DLC I don't have yet.. I have just played this DLC for just a few hours into around the 30th turn (Mortal Campaign). I have not encountered any crash or freezing so far. All went smoothly. And I have not found any bug so far (not that I am aware of). And I am starting to like the new play style of this race. This race has more freedom than any other race on how you expand your power. You have both the ability to occupy settlements (just like other races) and travel as a horde (similar to the horde system in Rome2) but in this game you can build and recruit directly from your flagship. Plus if you choose not to occupy a settlement, you also have a choice to secretly build a hidden pirate cove in the settlement where the owner faction will not know it. And your pirate coves will drain money from the settlements while the owner faction will not even know. This campaign play style is ideal for those who want to live and enjoy a Jolly Roger life where you don't have to worry about managing and protecting settlements. You can freely sail your ghost ship around the world sacking and planting your pirate coves and enjoy other people's money. For the battle gameplay, while most people have complained that the cannons and magic of this race are too powerful. I view it differently. I think this race deserves to have their big guns and magic more powerful than other races to compensate the extremely weak and pathetic infantry. Of course you cannot rely on rotten zombies. So the big guns and magic are their only chance of survival. I think CA should NOT reduce this race's gun power. Otherwise this race will not survive against strong races. It's already good compensation. CONCLUSION- Buy it if you are a fan of pirate life style, who does not mind living and eating among disgusting, pathetic and weak zombies or creatures which you don't even know what they are. And you don't even care to name them nor that you care if they are dead or alive, you just send then to die, no one will even recognize their corpses anyway. These are worthless walking things but you enjoy having them roaming the battle fields. If that is you, buy this DLC. - Don't buy it if you hate weak, unreliable, ugly beyond repair, pathetic units.. -Pretty interesting faction overall. -I am a big fan of the vampires and this faction almost eclipses them in comparison. The vampires may have better lords than their coastal brothers, but the vampire coast has some of the best artillery in the game. You can make the argument that they have the best artillery overall in the game, but they do not have the best unit of artillery in the game. Their monsters have great potential such as leviathans having the ability to take on an entire flank by itself. -Overall the faction itself is a bit overpowered I feel. As previously mentioned, their roster eclipses that of the normal vampires. This causes a few issues as the vampires should be stronger than the coast overall while the coast only having great range options bu that is just not the case.-This DLC is not worth it at full price or half priced. They are a great addition to the game, yes. But the issue is that they are over powered and their single player campaign is bugged. Many people have had multiple issues while playing through the single player campaign and others, myself included, have encountered an issue with the final battle.-SPOILER WARNING: The final mission includes fighting Lokier Fellheart in order to win the campaign. Even if you kill him, the mission will not proceed and you will fail once the inevitable timer runs down. Therefore, you cannot finish the single player campaign and all of your hard work will have no conclusion. So you can really only use this faction in multiplayer and single player battles.-I have not tried to complete their final battle on the mortal empires campaign, but I am assuming it will yield similar results.. I am having a weird bug in which I can not move my lord nor end the turn. It keeps saying I have to clear the advisor message but there is none.. by far the best dlc ive purchased from both Total war warhammer games. interesting and unique units and the campaign is superb 10\/10. Though there are some aspects to CA's DLC policy that I don't like (namely locking RoR for the classic races behind smaller expansions), I could not recommend this particular DLC more. 9\/10Pro's:- Large, varied unit roster- Unique campaign features- Top quality voice acting (esp Luthor Harkon)- Lore of the DeepCon's:- Some units are much better than others in terms of cost efficiency (especially in multiplayer), for example Deckhand Bombers and Promethian Gunnery Mobs feel very underwhelming compared to Polearm Mobs and Necrofex Colossus.- The final confrontation with Amanar feels a bit lacking. I understand the sheer size of this absolute unit makes it near impossible to implement it as a purchasable unit, but even a rite ability to damage a settlement or army at sea after slaying Amanar would have made it feel more rewarding. This could simply be a slightly altered version of the "Amanar attacks" events you see from time to time.- Invocation of Nehek still monstrously OP, but carries an otherwise weak lore of magicOverall my criticisms are minor and mostly relate to balancing issues. Probably the best TWW DLC to date, I hope they can maintain this standard in future expansions.. Amazing race pack, probably my favorite since wood elves in 1. Fun as hell factions to play as, love the style of their army and the style of their campaign... and the style of their aesthetics. Very good highly reccomend.. Very cool faction, they're very gun and artillery heavy, which is just nice
Total War: WARHAMMER II - Curse Of The Vampire Coast Portable Edition
Updated: Mar 17, 2020