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Love at first sight. I saw the game on Steam sale. It carefully approached me, getting closer every heartbeat, until it came to life in my hands. Everyone must play this game and I strongly recommend this to any player under the age of 93,25.. Well if you like getting zero cards when going head to head or getting beat by a 2-6 off suit that over bets by 500% on no cards played yet....than this game is for you. No one in their right mind -- unless they are just in a game to give away money to the poor would bet on 80% of these hands (which they will win..because they hardly deal cards to your character. Played now for about 20 hours--non pro setting -- which may be the problem.Lets say the lay out cards are 8, Q, 10, 4, 9 / and you have A, J hold cards....they will win with a pr of 4's...the lowest cards possible - and I raised on the flop...hoping for a straight or high pair. They stayed in with 4 and 7 off suited. ...WOW...who in their right mind unless they are card counters, cheats or getting signals from the dealer at the table. Software needs refinement...way too stupid - pure chance on any hand you get what so ever...high bets or no bets do nothing better. I will get a streak of 10 hands in a row, but win on a high card Ace....which I was just trying different things - blinds were 50/100...just over betting to see what they did. Showed cards, etc., whomever wrote the software has no clue about a real hand at a real poker table...just playing pure luck of anything.On the train - played over 200 hands against 4 players. When down to the last one...I was up $5000. Blinds 200/400 If I would bet low on a good hand - he would fold. He would try and bully the hand - raise before flop. With my guy hardly getting even suited cards ...much less anything else to play -- for about 15 hands. He just took control..playing hard without anything. Could not win against him no matter what.. I remember playing this as a kid and not knowing what in the hell to do. I got to the first foretress, maybe got inside the castle a couple times, and that was about it...Now that I'm older, I realize why that is.The games worlds consist of a (literally) laundry list of chores to do in order to complete the objective. Every single thing you accomplish is meant to chain together with some other cryptic item you need to grab, key you need to find, or enemy you have to kill in order to move on to the next world where it all starts again. This is a problem. While the core of the gameplay is enjoyable, each class having unique weapons with fun enemies scattered throughout, you wonder why those chose THIS as their modus operandi of creating purpose in the worlds.In the original Hexen, you had to essentially find switches and levers to open new sections of the hub so you could find and unlock the boss. Was it annoying? Sure. But one thing that's different is that it didn't feel arbitrary, and when you found that key or switch, it felt like you'd made progress, unlocking more of the world to explore. In Hexen 2, there's twice as much back-tracking, the worlds are less interesting and visually inspiring. You had murky, fog-ridden swamps, craggy ice fortresses, and castles made of steel and iron. In Hexen 2, you have generic mountain valley, stereotypical aztec ruins, egyptian ruins, and Rome...Or Greece...It seems to mix the two together.They could've done so much more with Hexen 2, but ended up squandering it under bizarre design choices that alienated players with the mystifying level lay outs, and obscure puzzles.. HeXen II is disappointing to me like the HeXen expansion pack they just went to far in a few areas and ruined the formulaProsEverything gibsDestructible environments are always niceThe 4 classes are well varied besides their arsenals they do have a bunch of minor differences Each chapter changes things up with a new environment and new enemies the Egypt chapter was probably my favorite in this regardThe soundtrack is pretty niceThe weapons are pretty coolConsThe puzzling level design is just to much in this game it's honestly tiring to try out new classes because of this and I'm not a fan of checking a walkthrough 90% of the timeThe Paladin is a horrible class to play as in chapter 1 where 80% of all the enemies have projectile based attacks but your stuck with a sword choose any one but him for a first playthroughWhy do I still have to enter a console command for mouse look? It's kinda important to be able to look in all directions when playing thisChapter 4 sucks♥♥♥♥♥seriously most of the enemies are bullet sponges and they give you almost no mana wtf manWhat happened to all the spectacular creatures from the other games? make way for dudes in armor, stone dudes, leopard dudes, bullet sponge reskins and spidersI really hate how they've scaled the difficulty unlike the last game which mirrored the difficulty modes of DooM rather well this game doesn't mirror the difficulty modes of Quake sure you'll get more enemies on higher difficultys but you also get less resources so what's even the pointThe leopard dudes roar sometimes and when they do this they are invincible why? no reason other than to trick you into wasting mana This game has some serious issues with sound design use an item no sound cue level up no sound cue this may seem minor but it irritates meI hate invisible walls There were a few parts were I couldn't get out of a little pool of water because the surface was just a bit to high to get back out so there are a few spots where cheating is mandatorySpeaking of mandatory cheating there's this one puzzle in Egypt where even the walkthrough can't help you that much and nocliping around it is recommended unless your a masochist or immortal with the rest of eternity to waste So overall I think this game is kinda cool but it's also a big mess that I wouldn't recommend. Decent matching\/tetris ish game. Basic Tetris clone where you use magnets and conductor block types instead of different shapes. You move the floor to place the pieces trying to arrange them in a conductive manner. I gave it a couples tries, but the game always seems to give you blocks that don't help and it moves at a pace that makes some action games feel slow--it certainly doesn't feel very casual.
Free Download Oops, Sorry! .rar
Updated: Mar 17, 2020