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Free Download Natural Locomotion .rar


Updated: Mar 17, 2020

About This Software NOTE: While this app has all the features mentioned here, it is still in active development: adding new features, game profiles and fixing problems. So don't hesitate to ask in the community forums if you have any problem or feature request.Move naturally in VR in any game that supports trackpad/stick locomotion. Walk in place to move your body in the virtual world! Currently supporting the following methods:NaLo's 1:1 arm swingerWalk in place with Vive trackers or extra controllers on the feet (in beta branch)Walk in place with PS Move and other devices on the feet (in beta branch, experimental)More methods will be added very soon!Natural Locomotion is an application that emulates the controller trackpad (to use in any game), to walk and run more naturally moving your arms or your feet. It includes a driver for SteamVR for this purpose.Other "arm swinger" implementations are very "jumpy", very slow to respond, or are a complement on button actions. Natural Locomotion uses a novel system designed to walk and run continuously, and with very precise and intuitive control of speed and acceleration. You can start, stop or change speed very quickly without "move" or "brake" buttons, it just depends on the speed you move your arms.It comes with presets for several popular games and apps. Just select one, check the game is configured as shown, and play. The profile manager allows you to make profiles for games not already included.The demo version doesn't have any driver and it's just a photogrammetry scene to walk around, and a friendly robot that fools around, moving with this same locomotion system.Software requirements:Desktop view from VR. UI is shown with big buttons and big text.A recent version of SteamVR (i.e. any except the temporary branch).SteamVR games or apps that has full directed "smooth locomotion" with trackpad or joystick (i.e. one can choose both direction and speed with the thumb).Supported hardware: HTC Vive (and Pro), Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality headsets. It's very likely it works with other hardware with workarounds (ask in the forum). However it does not work with NoLo controllers or 3dRudder.Natural Locomotion doesn't provide comfort options by itself (FoV reduction, etc), that's dependent on each game. If you need it, make sure the games you want to play have the feature and is enabled. From our tests and from all comments after release, the 1:1 movement of Natural Locomotion avoids motion sickness, although we need a much bigger sample size to claim that for sure.IMPORTANT for Oculus Rift users: The activation button for most Rift profiles is thumb rest (the little touchpad-like thing).List of supported games so far:A-Tech CyberneticAlien: Isolation (MotherVR mod)Apex ConstructArizona SunshineBlade & SorceryChiaro and the Elixir of LifeClimbeyCOMPOUNDContagion VR: OutbreakContractorsCrooked WatersDead Effect 2 VRDreadhallsThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VRFallout 4 VRThe ForestFrankenstein: Beyond the TimeThe Gallery: Heart of the EmberstoneGORNHeart of the Emberstone: ColliseumHot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand GrenadesIn DeathIsland 359Karnage ChroniclesMinecraft (with Vivecraft)OrbusVRPavlov VRPAYDAY 2 VRPrimordianProtonwarRec RoomSerious Sam 3 VR: BFESerious Sam VR: The First EncounterSerious Sam VR: The Second EncounterThe Talos Principle VRVanishing RealmsVengeful RitesVengeful Rites DemoVR Dungeon KnightVRChatWAR DUSTWitching TowerThe WizardsKartong (Vive, Rift only for now)Onward (Vive, Rift only for now)Robinson: The Journey (Vive, WMR only for now)Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope (Vive, WMR only for now)STAND OUT (Rift only for now)This list will be growing a lot during the following weeks. You can also try to make your own profiles.Some profiles are available in some headsets only (or not at all) due to technical limitations that will be fixed soon. 7aa9394dea Title: Natural LocomotionGenre: Simulation, UtilitiesDeveloper:MyouPublisher:MyouRelease Date: 7 Apr, 2018 Free Download Natural Locomotion .rar natural locomotion settings. natural locomotion white screen. natural locomotion vr. natural locomotion windows mixed reality. natural locomotion fallout 4 vr. natural locomotion vrchat. natural locomotion test. locomotion by natural gestures for immersive virtual environments. natural locomotion settings. natural locomotion skyrim vr sneak. natural locomotion igg. natural locomotion skyrim vr ini. natural locomotion skyrim. natural locomotion skyrim vr ini. natural locomotion feet. skyrim vr natural locomotion ini. natural locomotion non steam game. natural locomotion reddit. natural locomotion tutorial. natural locomotion motion sickness. natural locomotion download. natural locomotion gorn. natural locomotion in fluids and on surfaces. natural locomotion settings. natural locomotion h3vr. natural locomotion guide. natural locomotion non steam game. natural locomotion vivecraft. natural locomotion reddit. natural locomotion test. natural locomotion blade and sorcery. natural locomotion gorn. natural locomotion supported games. natural locomotion rift. natural locomotion alien isolation. natural locomotion test. natural locomotion the forest. natural locomotion tracker. natural locomotion non steam game. natural locomotion guide. natural locomotion pavlov. natural locomotion joy con. natural locomotion. natural locomotion igg. natural locomotion beta. natural locomotion walk backwards. natural locomotion arizona sunshine. natural locomotion unity. natural locomotion tracker. natural locomotion review. natural locomotion rec room. natural locomotion. locomotion by natural gestures for immersive virtual environments. natural locomotion forum. natural locomotion games. natural locomotion free download. natural locomotion reddit. natural locomotion steam. natural locomotion not working. skyrim vr natural locomotion ini. how to use natural locomotion with skyrim vr. natural robot locomotion. natural locomotion igg. natural locomotion feet tracking. how to use natural locomotion with skyrim vr. natural locomotion crack. natural locomotion oculus. natural locomotion oculus store. natural locomotion pavlov. natural locomotion free download. natural locomotion steam. you natural locomotion. natural locomotion skse. natural locomotion plugin. uninstall natural locomotion. natural locomotion skyrim vr setup. natural locomotion arizona sunshine. natural locomotion minecraft. skyrim vr natural locomotion ini. natural locomotion on steam. natural locomotion psvr. natural locomotion beta. natural locomotion gorn. natural locomotion skyrim vr sneak. natural locomotion download. natural locomotion vr. natural locomotion app. natural locomotion motion sickness. natural locomotion skse. natural locomotion supported games. natural locomotion ps move I'll be honest with you, I never really thought the whole armswinging thing was for me.I thought it was just awkward to move your arms around, but this thing is just so natural and smooth, after a few second you forget that you're doing it and you're REALLY into the game.Pressing the grips on the Vive wands for a long while DOES make your finger sore after a while, but overall this thing is absolutely amazing.Never would have thought it would be so.. natural!The devs are working on making new profiles for games that use trackpad locomotion constantly and every thing that I tried just feels right.For how drastically it changes like half of the games out there I can say with a whole heart that this is recommended!. Very good!I booted up, picked the game profile that I wanted then I started walking around! Easier and more natural feeling than I expected.I've previously felt very sick using joystick for free locomotion. This worked great! (I'd recommend crystalized ginger and a fan if you haven't already tried). This tool saved my life ! No more motion illness on Free Locomotion games :D Since the last update, the locomotion on OrbusVR is a little buggy (the player still move even without moving our arms) but apart of that, this is a must-have for all VR players !. I've had this on my wishlist for a while just waiting until I got a couple games that this supports and my god does it make a difference. Even in jsut Payday 2 I went from "Eh this is an alright game" to "I'll play this for at least 100 hrs".Pros:- Combats motion sickess (for some people)- Enhances immersion- Easy to use and set up- Can have different profiles for games- Developers are extremely responsive and involved in the community- Tracker support will allow you to "jog/walk in place". There is a youtube video from the developers showing this.- Good price"Cons":- VR becomes lifeLots of love to Myou for transparent development progress and plans even when you run into snags!. Updating this. The tool *does* work, but documentation is extremely limited. It also breaks some other apps and has a good amount of other issues.1. When using this with Skyrim you MUST get through the Skyrim VR startup configuration before launching this. If you don't you will not be able to complete the Skyrim "Welcome to VR" process.2. When using this to run\/walk you CAN NOT flip the controller backwards when using controller driven locomotion. This is pretty common if you have an exaggerated arm swing (or just run\/walk normally). The result of this is an extremely jerky movement.3. It is extremely hard to actually use this tool in VR. You need to use the Steam VR Desktop view. This view is extremely broken and largely unusable if you have multiple monitors (or a 4k monitor where your mouse cursor does not align with where you actually point). This means that to modify or start profiles you need to take off your headset and controllers.That said, it's a cool proof of concept at this point and could be improved with a better user experience.It's alright, but use discretion when purchasing.. the demo was good as it gave you some space to test it out on. the full version gives you a list of games you may not have an no area in the actual app to play around with :( most of the games are full price too. and if you want to add a new game there is no info on how to add it to the locomotion list. its confusing.edit: I also ended up buying vivecraft. and the command wont work with the game. it says it cant find it.. My Vive would be sitting on a shelf collecting dust if it wasn't for this software. The reduction in motion sickness and added immersion make it a huge QOL improvement for all supported games. An absolute MUST for Skyrim. Teleportation/trackpad movement is an outdated joke compared to this! 100% the future for VR. Devs - thank you for continuing to add new games :D. An effective and creative method of VR traversal that plugs right in over direct control VR games. The preset profiles are a great starting point for customization.(Though don't expect to use it for hours on end, as it'll give your arms some amount of strain lurching about over long sessions.)Far more reliable and far more responsive than using OpenVR's Walk-in-place. Give the demo a try if you wanna see for yourself. Lag FIXED! Simulation sickness bug in demo FIXED!: In the last update to the demo (10 days ago), we accidentally introduced a bug where Vive users with slower GPUs may get dizzy after a while. It has been fixed. This didn't affect the app itself.Many Skyrim players have reported a lot of lag (2-5 seconds to start or stop walking), when minimizing the window or when using certain mods. That has been fixed as well! This change has been in the beta branch since last week.List of changes:Improve timing consistency.Fix very unresponsive behavior when minimized or with an overloaded system.Fix latency bug in the demo, that caused motion sickness for Vive users with slower GPUs.Fix for joystick jump also clicking the joystick in Rift.Improvements to instructions for Skyrim VR and Rec Room.Same known issues as last time.Next update will be BIG. Subscribe to the beta thread to receive notifications of changes as they're published.. Vive Pro support, sticky grips, enable both hands with one activator, updated demo and fixes...: During long sessions, Vive users had a hard time pressing the grip buttons all the time, which is not comfortable and has risk of repeated strain injury (RSI). We added a "Sticky grips" feature, which you can enable in settings.Complete list of changes:Vive Pro support. It must be enabled in settings.Sticky grips. Available in settings.One side enables both. Available in edit profile -> configure buttons.Fixes for Oculus Rift users during startup.Fixed presence of virtual controllers (like LIV's).Fixed long standing issue of not having both controllers connected when starting a profile.Open SteamVR automatically if it fails to connect.Added "How to move" video on Steam.Demo updated with new models, snap turning and many walking fixes.Known issues:By default one can't use the flashlight in Fallout 4 VR. Can be remapped to trigger but one jumps when turning the flashlight on or off. Or it can be remapped to right home (use the button in the headset to open home).If you close the app without clicking "stop", some buttons remain muted until you restart SteamVR.If the demo scene is started without headset tracking, floor may be wrong in Vive, and Rift uses fall to the infinite void.In the demo, one jumps after crouching.As usual, head to the community forum if you have any problem or suggestion.. Updated Skyrim VR profile for the new version of the game: A couple of days ago Skyrim VR beta was promoted as the regular version for everybody. We deprecated the beta profile and changed the regular one to be as the beta. As a reminder, the only change is the original orientation: It explains to use HMD mode, which works better for sprinting. Don't forget to configure your game to be HMD oriented!As usual, head to the community forum if you have any problem or suggestion.We're still working on new features. We'll publish each one in the beta thread as soon as possible. Subscribe to that thread for updates.. Natural Locomotion updated with profiles for VRChat, The Talos Principle; and many fixes!: Natural Locomotion has been updated with the following changes:Fixed saving profiles!Fixed saving settings!Fixed 0 minute run time!Added VRChat.Added The Talos Principle.Added click passthrough mode.Added touch passthrough when not moving mode.Added choose direction mode.Made Home button remappeable.Fixed click to walk.Fixed click to sprint.Fixed wrong slerp value in Skyrim (more stable direction).Updated FO4VR profile.Report any problems in the forum. If you want to revert to the previous version, it's available in betas as "previous_version".Expect many more profiles soon! Or make your own.. Fixed error 301: In some cases the driver was installed "twice" and SteamVR gets confused and crashes. If it happens to you, just run NaLo once before SteamVR and it will fix the problem.. Vive camera FIXED! Added preliminary Pimax support, and more: As the title says, we found a solution for the Vive camera issue. If it still doesn't work for you, follow these steps:Close SteamVR if you have it open.Reinstall Natural Locomotion.Open Natural Locomotion without opening SteamVR first.Also preliminary support for Pimax headsets have been added. We don't know if it works in all circumstances because we're awaiting for feedback from testers. We know that arm swing with a head-oriented game configuration works well. (edit 10 hours later: controller oriented games and feet trackers are probably fixed now, let us know if they work)As always, send us any question, suggestion or feedback comments to the community forum.Full list of changes:Fixed Vive camera.Added preliminary support for Pimax headsets.Fixed pressing buttons twice when using Oculus Rift desktop in touch screen mode.Fixed Arizona Sunshine speed and sprint.Fixed detection of WMR hands.Fixed driver installer when the variable LUA_PATH is present in the environment.We have almost finished Joycon support as feet trackers, as well as using a smartphone to improve orientation and other related features. Thank you for your patience.


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